Penis enlargement home exercise

There is the claim that, even with the smaller sexual organ can be a great in bed. However, the confidence of a man, it's not going to give, yes, and it is popular between women will hardly enjoy. So, the best is to admit the problem and start solving.

Nowadays there are many types of pills, creams, sprays, gels for penis enlargement. But spending money on this is not practical, t. to. basically, all this is just a marketing ploy of the manufacturers and there is no well that they will not. Therefore, the best and safest way to increase a member is exercises at home. In addition to these physical exercises is that you don't have to spend money.

It is worth mentioning that the medical tests of proven benefit and high efficiency of the workout data.

As are carried out such exercises

how to enlarge penis

There are many exercises to stretching or thickening of the penis. Are used as labor and auxiliary devices, such as, for example, havetagelitate, through which you can pull the penis.

"It is important! Beginners should not perform more exercises 10-15 minutes. Next, the time period can increase to half an hour per day, but the sudden change should not do."

The most favourable time for the completion of loading is in the morning or in the evening. The important thing is regularity and patience. It's not worth expect immediate results, everything comes with time.

The preparation for the exercise

Any exercise should begin with a warm-up. In this case, in the true sense of the word. Treatment of water — an essential element of the exercise. It is the most suitable white bath or shower, but it will be enough to moisten a piece of cloth in warm water.


To increase the length of the

The exercise should be done very fast, t. to. a member should not cool down. It does not have to be fully animated and, therefore, should reflect about something not exciting.

It is necessary to take the head or a little below and place it at the front and keep in this position for 15 seconds. Then, you should rest a little. Most of the penis you have to pull to the right side, holding for 15 seconds and, then, again, rest a little, and about all the same thing, only on the left side. And so the circle 10-15 minutes.

"Tip: don't need much to lengthen the penis, otherwise, you may hurt yourself. The tension should be felt, and not the pain. Also during leisure, you can massage the dick of the blood flow, which increases the efficiency of the exercise."

To the increase of the thickness

The exercise of a member should be executed when a partial erection, and only after lubrication gel лhaveбрandparaantom (lubrication). The sexual organ should be warm after a bath, a shower or cleaning with a damp cloth.

You should take the penis at the root with your thumb and forefinger to form a circle of those fingers. Therefore, it is necessary to massage a member of the root up to the head for 10-15 minutes. Return to the starting position and then relax a bit and do the same, using the other hand.

The result you can see-if you do a exercise every day for several months.

For foreskin

Member must be fully animated, lubricate it do not need.

You need a hand to pick up a the base of the penis, and the other, stretch the skin with the head. The skin needs to tighten very tight and keep in this position to reduce the erection. Relax, then lead again to an excited state and repeat this exercise for 10 minutes.

This is an exercise that I do daily, to form a beautiful and fat to the flesh of his foreskin.

The bending of the penis

To increase the penis size, you have to perform this exercise. However, you must do this very carefully, and t. to. can hurt the penis.

Flex the sexual organ, erection in 50%. You should tighten the bracelet it with your hand and rotate in different directions. Enough to make a exercise of 7-10 minutes.

"It is important! If you feel pain when doing the exercise, you should stop."


Here you will need a coach, with which the member will be compressed at the base. You need to achieve full erection, and then a few minutes (enough 2-3 minutes), tighten the body.

This exercise improves circulation, increases sensitivity, and speeds up the erection. The best thing is to do the exercise, in conjunction with the other.

Exercise Kegel

The exercise helps to increase the penis in length or thickness, but it will improve erectile function. Useful for the muscles of the member.

You should stretch the muscles of the perineum, to fix the position for 10 seconds, and then relax, make a couple of breaths, and again stretch the muscles. This exercise you perform 2 to 3 times a day.

To find out where are these muscles during urination is necessary to delay the flushing. The muscle that you tense, and is the same as that used in the exercise.

"It is important! You may not be able to perform the exercise with full bladder, before that you need to go to the bathroom."


This exercise is beneficial for male potency, t. to. penis well-marked blood.

You must twist your penis 360 degrees clockwise and anti-within 30 seconds. Repeat this 5 times.

Massage penile

the increase in member

The massage is one of the types of exercises for the penis. It improves the erectile function and blood circulation to the penis.

You must achieve a full erection. Longer perform the movement, as if Masturbation. Before the completion of the process need to compress the member about the head with your fingers, forming a ring. To be in this position for 5 to 7 minutes. Should not to heavily compress the organ, t. to. it may hurt.

Recommendations after the workout.

  1. Do not have sexual relations 2 to 3 hours, t. to. the body needs to relax;
  2. To try to get rid of bad habits, t. to. they don't give the progress in training;
  3. Avoid stressful situations;
  4. Eat properly;
  5. To lead an active life;
  6. Apply small drop-down of a device, for example, weightsparaand. They stretch the muscle tissue.

Effects of exercise

Any exercise have their pros and cons. Stand out them.


  1. According to the experiments, the 4 months of daily exercises allowed participants to increase their sexual organ 1.8 cm;
  2. Improve erectile function;
  3. There is no need of investment money.


  1. Exercise take up a lot of time, t. for. exercise need to perform not one, but in a complex;
  2. Inadequate equipment can cause damage to the penis;
  3. The result will not be immediate, you need months.


For the financial year brought only the use and the visible results, you just need to follow all recommendations and instructions.

Penis enlargement exercises

Dimensions virility is the main indicator of the quality of sexual life. This affects the power, and if one can increase with the help of pills, the penis enlargement with the help of drugs is not possible. Knowing about this male problem, the doctors found a solution – enlarge penis with exercises. Exercises to increase the penis size and video lessons you can see on the network, for this you need to make a request for "exercises to increase penis video".

As are carried out such an exercise?

The increase in the body can be made both in length and thickness. To apply for this, you can hands, special devices, as well as havetagelitate, who, with the help of your weight will pull the penis.

The ideal option to increase the member pet in conditions of exercises is guide to increase membership with two or three fingers of the hand. There are many different options of execution, they are divided by difficulty levels, exercise has to start on the principle of mild to severe.

You should start with 15 minutes, after a period of time that You dedicate to school, it is necessary to increase gradually to 30 minutes per day. It is believed that the favorable moment for the practice of such exercises to increase the penis at home is the time of the morning and an hour in the evening. If You choose to go to a more complex level of exercises to increase the penis size, then this should be done gradually and not abruptly.

The ideal before exercise of this type – is the consultation with a doctor, he tells in detail about how to enlarge penis at home. The main thing that you need to know, to take such exercise, is, what is important is the execution – it is the regularity. Of course, it's not worth to count on the sword of a result, in order to increase his dignity, at least, a couple of inches, you'll have to strive for.

He has an individual program of penis enlargement, there is described in detail, what exercises you can increase the penis. This will give a good result.

Preparation for the workout to increase the length of the penis

  1. The increase in members of the house – it is a very difficult lesson, preparing a lesson of this type is necessary to carry out each time, this will help to make lessons more productive.
  2. Before you start exercising, take a shower and as it should be washtect, pay particular attention to the groin area.
  3. After the bath, pat dry with a cloth rub the bath towel.
  4. To practice you need a tool capable of lubricant, therefore, in advance Naviditect to a pharmacy and buy your also.
  5. You must choose the place where you will exercise for penis enlargement. Pre-try to do all the combinations in different positions, standing, sitting, lying, half-sitting, reclining, and choose the option that You will be as comfortable as possible.
  6. As the hands, feet, or other muscles before starting the workout, the penis needs to warm up. For this you can do warm compresses. The easiest option to do this – heat the iron in a towel or other thick cloth and apply it to the perineal area. Repeat this procedure a few times. If the hand warmer, then use-o.

After you have completed the preparation, you can start to perform exercises, enabling for the first time the video exercises how to increase the penis.

Exercises to enlarge the penis a organ

ways of penis enlargement

What type of exercise increases the member? What are the exercises to increase the member do so more efficiently, you can read the reviews on specialized sites. If You do not know how to increase the member of exercises, special class of gymnastics to help you.

Exercises to enlarge the penis, and the video with the detailed description – this is what You need, especially, if in fact You are a beginner.

The exercises to increase the body, there is a wide variety to choose something for yourself, each one should, individually, depending on what results he wants to get and what to do.

Looking to do a year, an increase of a member will happen in different ways. Increase in penis of a house – is the most popular way to solve the problem.

Penis enlargement exercises: the principle and the implementing rules

Very efficient technique of self-affirmation sexual men act special exercises to increase the penis. They not only allow you to change the length of the male organ, but also to improve the erection. Success is guaranteed since daily activities in a specific timeframe.

You should not forget security for the conduct of such manipulations. Such and simple action you are able to add more inches to the size and the self-esteem of any man, in need.

As are carried out such exercises

The training of a particular type may contribute to the increased, such as length and diameter of the penis a organ. Are used in data manipulation hands, special devices, havetagelitate that your weight will pull the penis. At home, the men tend not to use any devices, most frequently of the exercises that are done 2-3 myself the fingers of the hands.

Begin any manipulation of the valley with a short workout (10-15 minutes), after the period of increase (up to half an hour per day).

The most favourable time for performing exercises is considered to be the morning and the evening. The sudden change to a more difficult level the practice is prohibited.

Before using exercises to increase the penis length is important to consult your doctor. It will help in the choice of manipulation that can be applied in a particular case, whether lessons of Kegel, or this was the choice of the therapy. More important, who is worth respect, in the process of training — regularly, and with care, especially in the area of the head. It is important to realize that the result will not be instant, it requires a long, hard work.